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Charity number: 1062285
Food & Drink
Nailsworth Playgroup encourage happy and social mealtimes for children and staff alike. We promote shared, enjoyable positive interactions at these times.
We are committed to offering children healthy, nutritious snacks which meet individual needs and requirements.
Children are offered and have free access to fresh water throughout the day, Milk (alternatives are provided) is offered at snack times.
Snack menus are planned half termly and you can see an example below.
We are so lucky to be able to access hot school lunches from Nailsworth Primary. These cost £2.41 per day and are paid using SchoolMoney app. The menu for this term is below.
Our Little room are able to offer 'Little lunches' to our 2-year-old children who attend all day.
These are a range of hot and cold meals prepared on site and make use of our own eggs, local vegetables (including from the community garden and our own growing areas!) These meals cost £2 per week and can be added to your invoice or paid weekly.
We have our own oven, soup maker, hob and kitchen areas in both rooms. This allows us to prepare and make lots of different meals for the children to try during snack or lunchtimes.
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