Our Playgroup
Toddler room Opening hours- Monday -8:45 - 3:30pm Tuesday - 8:45 -11.45am Wednesday- 8:45- 3:30pm Thursday - 8.45 -3:30pm Friday - 8:45 - 11:45am
Our Toddler room
Our toddler room is open daily for children aged 2 -3.
Our opening hours for this room are; Monday 8:45 - 3:30pm
Tuesday 8:45 - 11:45am
Wednesday 8:45 - 3:30pm
Thursday 8:45 - 3:30pm
Friday 8:45 - 11:45am
We provide a range of activities for the children based on interests and current development.
We have a wonderful woodland garden & make use of all the diverse outdoor spaces that the school site offers us.
Our Toddler room daily routine
8.45 - Welcome & registration
9-10.15 - Activities - This includes 'free flow' play in both inside & outside areas
10.20 - Tidy up time
10.30 - Snack time
11.00- Whole group outdoor play
11.45- Home time for morning children
12.00 - Lunchtime
12.30 - Resting and reading opportunites & free flow into the garden
2.00 Tidy up time
2.30 - Snack time
3.00 - Group time
3.30 - Home time
Pre-school room
We accept children into our pre-school room the term after their 3rd birthday. We provide a range of activities for the children based on interests and current themes such as Autumn.
We offer a 'free-flow' based play where children have the option of moving freely between the inside or outside environments,
Pre-school hours Monday - 8:45 - 3:30pm Tuesday-8:45 - 11:45am Wednesday - 8:45-3:30pm Thursday-8:45-3:30pm Friday-8:45-3.30pm
Our daily routine
8.45am - Welcome & registration
9-10.15am - Activities - This includes 'free flow' and activities & resources based on current interests and next stages of development.
10.30 -Tidy up time
10.35 - Snack time
10.50-11.45 Activities
12.00- Lunchtime
12.30-2.15 -Activities
2.20- Tidy up time
2.30- Snack time
2.50- Whole group outside play
3.30 - Home time
Our Prices
We accept 2 year & 3 year funding. We also accept payment through childcare vouchers. Funding is applied the term after your child's birthday. To claim working parent entitlement funding you will need to give us the code given by HMRC as well as your national insurance number and date of birth.
Our Toddler room - £5.50 per hour
Our Preschool room - £5.25 per hour
On registration we require a non-refundable fee of £15 to secure your place.
All fees include snacks. A free playgroup t-shirt will be gifted to your child on their settle sessions.